Friday, May 22, 2020
Informative Speech- Womens Rights Essay - 1776 Words
How did Womens Rights Movement come about? Women were not allowed to vote. They usually could not get higher education. Often, they could not get jobs, and when they did, they get paid less than men for for the same work. They could not own property, in many countries, including England. In some places, if they had money and got married, the money became the property of their husbands. The Womens Rights Movement started because they were sick of the unfairness. Womens rights are the rights and elements and entitlement claimed for a woman and girls of many societies. Women(and some men) have asserted womens equality and the rights of women since ancient times, but without much success until the 19th and 20th century Womens Rights†¦show more content†¦The declaration was greeted with a storm of criticism in newspapers and from religious leaders. By 1850, however, activists had organized similar gatherings in Ohio and Massachusetts and established an annual Womans Rights Conven tion. The campaign for dress reform became closely associated with the womens rights movement, as advocates such as Amelia Bloomer argued that the tight clothing women wore was unhealthy and restrictive, such as Bloomers. Many early womens rights advocates also became involved in Spiritualism, a belief system based on direct communication with God and the dead, which offered women a greater voice in their religious life than did the male hierarchies of the Christian churches. In the 20th Century, The reemergence of the womens movement in the United States in the late 1960s is commonly referred to as the modern womens rights movement, the feminist movement, or the womens liberation movement. It is also known as second wave feminism, which serves to distinguish it from the period a century earlier when women in the United States first organized around demands for full citizenship. That earlier campaign, known as first wave, culminated with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, which legally (if not actually) barred discrimination in voting on the basis of sex. Feminists in the 1960s, like their predecessors, sought toShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing Clinton s Speech About Women s Rights986 Words  | 4 PagesAnalyzing Clinton’s speech about women’s rights. On September 5, 1995, many countries came together in Beijing China to hear Hillary Clinton s speech about women s rights. This speech was the United Nations Fourth World Conference of Women. Clinton addressed problems that needed to be corrected in many countries around the world, including the United States regarding the liberties of women, and why it was authoritative that they receive these freedoms. 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